Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Case of the missing L2S!

SO the crew was all chilling on the chair.


Judi was looking around, then jumped up.


"Wait a second" She said. "It seems to me, that we're missing someone!!"

Everyone looked surprised.

MSG cracked under the pressure, and said she was going to jump.


WGS was like, oh i'll help her!


While she was hanging there, she saw a car. She asked Judi to cut the rope, so she could get in the car.


What exactly did MSG see?


Shoes. Of course. *eyeroll*

While MSG was trying on the shoes,


The rest of the crew set out to find L2s.

Judi handed out jobs to everyone so that they could all look for L2s.


"Yi, you come with me" Said Judi.

Aty, you come too.


"Well, i didn't mean Down my shirt, but it seems my arms are a little bit stuffy, so i guess that's the safest place for you."

The first place they searched was the huge bowls on the counter.

Wgs was like 'oh i can help everyone get in there"


Aty Climbed up on top of Wgs, and started the climb into the bowl.


What they didn't know is that Judi was already in there, and they were going to have to rescue her!


After they all came out of the bowl, they decided to have a round plate meeting. They talked about the best stragaties to find L2s the fastest, and safest. They couldn't think of anything, since they're all full of air, so they decided staying together was probably best!

They all loaded up in the car.


Judi's long hair got in the way, as they were trying to get away fast. Judi put on her mad face, after being drug for a whole couple of miles.

Ah. Free at last.


While in their round plate meeting, they decided that they needed to search high and low. They searched it seemed like everywhere. Since everyone knew that there was TONS of stuff to look at, they decided to go into all the dark places. Well, you know, L2s is a closet singer. So she likes it dark.

They searched the back pack. Hm. It's not in there, BUT!!! we did find some water!


Judi started scratching her head.




After about oh, 30 minutes, Judi was scratching her head.


When everyone else was looking at her, and yelling at her to please stop, She said 'but it feels oh. so. good.'

Wgs decided to play with some of the toys.


It seemed that wasn't a great idea. She was stuck.


Yi Came to the rescue. But, to only get stuck underneath wgs.

Aty said since she had a hook, that she'd hook herself behind wags, and pull. Aty realized she didn't have the leverage to pull her out.

Judi stepped up.


Judi pulled with all her might.

.... To be continued.

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